How is everyone? So busy to have not Blogged for days. But I have been busy finishing off Sakura Seasons graphics. A little update here and there. But I think I’ve got things sorted. Here is a little snippet a little banner of Halloween past but I really love this graphic last year. I didn’t really get to market it all that well because of you know what, “Pandemic.”
I guess the first Halloween was all not so good when the pandemic began. The second Halloween season was a little better. I hope this Halloween will be much more better. So I will begin marketing Halloween on my site once again with maybe a new addition.
I will be honest that fall is one of my favorite seasons because my son is born in October, my first baby.
When I brought my son home from the hospital he was my Winnie the Pooh. I remember the trick-or-treaters that month as I was recuperating from childbirth. And now ever since then I have been decorating my home with Halloween flair and that’s why I love Halloween so much. I’ll always decorate maybe two months early and buy some new things for Halloween season. I will share some of the pieces that I bought for this Halloween season that sparked joy for me. I hope you have a wonderful day I may or may not post one more post this afternoon we shall see how busy I am after I am on my computer. Sometimes that process as a creative we tend to lose track of time which is normal.